Children’s Hospitals and NICUs using Donor Milk

Medically fragile infants are at risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a devastating intestinal disease. Mothers own milk (MOM) helps to reduce the risks of NEC. When mothers own milk is unavailable, pasteurized donor milk is the next best option

To view the NEC Society’s webinars on human milk, please click here.

The NEC Society is committed to raising awareness, improving outcomes and driving NEC research. In pursuit of these goals, the NEC Society has mapped out the use of donor milk for medically fragile infants in the United States.

The goal is to empower patient-families, clinicians, scientists, legislators, as well as nonprofit and professional organizations with information that can support efforts to improve outcomes for babies at risk of NEC.

We are proud to share that the following children’s hospitals provide their most fragile infants with pasteurized donor milk when mother’s milk is unavailable:

NOTE: If your institution provides donor milk and you would like to be included on this map, please complete this form.

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