Featured Donors

The NEC Society is grateful to the generous community of families, organizations, foundations, and corporations that make our work possible. We rely on charitable donations of all sizes to advance our vision of a world without necrotizing enterocolitis. Check out the stories below to learn why families just like yours are investing in the NEC Society.

You can join us in building a world without this devastating disease by becoming a donor. 

Hope's Family

Hope’s Family

After years of infertility treatments, we finally became pregnant with our baby girl. Naming her was easy, she was our one and only “Hope” of having a baby. After a challenging pregnancy, Hope was born at 30 weeks. The first time we held her, we thought about how after so many years our dreams had finally come true. She was in the NICU but doing great. Then on her 10th day of life, we were told she had necrotizing enterocolitis, a disease we had never heard of. Tragically, Hope died within hours. Losing a child changes you forever, and although Hope’s life was brief, she has been the most influential person in our lives. We hope that our ongoing support of the NEC Society will help spare other families from the devastating heartbreak of losing a child to NEC. Today, we have two precious sons who join us in remembering and missing their sister, Hope.

Jenny Quinn

Having worked for more than two decades as a NICU nurse and neonatal nurse practitioner, I have felt the pain of losing my infant patients to necrotizing enterocolitis. While my grief is nowhere imaginable to what parents experience, NEC is one of the worst diseases for neonatal clinicians. My family and I support the NEC Society because we want to be part of the movement working to build a world without this devastating disease. We know our gifts help to support the NEC Society’s amazing wor of advancing science, raising awareness, and helping to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis.

Jenny Quinn
Howard Mann and Family

Howard Mann

Howard Mann was heartbroken for his daughter when his granddaughter, Liv, passed away from necrotizing enterocolitis. Liv passed just three months after her twin brother, Max, died from other complications after birth. As Howard’s birthday approached, he wanted nothing more than to honor his grandchildren and show support to his daughter. Howard brought his community together and asked his loved ones to donate to the NEC Society in honor of Liv and Max. Howard then generously matched his birthday donations because he believes in our vision of a world without NEC. Howard hopes someday there will not be a need for the NEC Society. Indeed, we share this dream, too. We do this work at the NEC Society in hopes of seeing the day when our organization is no longer needed. 

Grant Family 

We lost our precious daughter Matilda to necrotising enterocolitis when she was seven days old. The NEC Society has been a beacon of hope for our family in the years since losing Matilda. It’s an absolute privilege to be a donor of this incredible organisation that is working tirelessly towards a vision of building a world without NEC. Donating to the NEC Society is an immeasurable way for our familiy to honour Matilda’s life and keep her legacy alive.

Satyan Lakshminrusimha

Satyan Lakshminrusimha 

As a practicing pediatrician and neonatologist for over 20 years, I have cared for many babies with NEC. No other condition has frustrated me as much as NEC over these years. As a patient with inflammatory bowel disease myself and having undergone a few intestinal surgeries, I have always felt a personal connection to families whose children have been affected by NEC. I applaud the NEC Society for sponsoring lectures, research, and promoting awareness of this condition. I am grateful for the opportunity to donate and help build a world without NEC.

Malinda Shepherd

My niece developed NEC as an infant and now lives with the long-term complication of the disease. As the aunt of a NEC survivor, I watched my niece growing up with what seemed to be a happy, healthy life in spite of the constant side effects of NEC. I am proud to support the NEC Society alongside my niece who fearlessly serves as a voice for all those who have endured NEC and the many complications.

Malinda Shepherd