Family Resource Boxes

Families affected by necrotizing enterocolits (NEC) often experience feelings of isolation, along with a lack of resources and information about the disease. Many of us at the NEC Society have been impacted by NEC, and we have created Family Resource Boxes to provide the information we wish we would have had at the time. These packets contain up-to-date information about NEC and resources to empower, educate, and support families.

Families in the United States whose baby was recently diagnosed with NEC or passes away from NEC can request one of our Family Resource Boxes. The box will be sent to the family’s home in the U.S., free of charge. Materials are available in English and Spanish. These resources are made possible through the generous support of the NEC Society’s community. If you would like to help us expand our reach, you can donate here.

“When your child has been diagnosed with NEC, it is a soul-crushing experience. With so many emotions and questions running through your head and heart, it’s difficult to know what to ask, what to do, or where to start your advocacy. These boxes are helpful because they give families actionable steps to help them feel empowered during a time when they may feel powerless. These boxes provide a warm and comforting touch during a difficult time from families that were directly impacted by NEC.”
Amena Mebane, whose daughter was affected by NEC

“When your child is given this diagnosis, having the opportunity to receive a box of information directly from the group of practitioners and parents who know it best and are invested in your outcome would be extremely helpful. I have learned as a bereaved parent that any acknowledgment of my precious baby is such a gift. And to receive that from the group who knows and understands this journey best would be incredibly meaningful.”
Julie Cavellini, whose son was affected by NEC